Tag: Adolescents

4 Ways to Convince Your Child to Try a Counseling Evaluation
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4 Ways to Convince Your Child to Try a Counseling Evaluation

It might be upsetting and difficult for you if your child declines to go to a behavioral disorders examination. How can you get around the denial and enroll your kid in the evaluation?

Your youngster will become more obstinate if you react violently to their resistance or outbursts. Keep your cool and speak in a supportive, rather than judging or critical, manner. Keep your cool and follow these instructions to get your child to comply.

Overcome Unawareness

Your youngster might not be cooperating because they don’t understand the issue. Children may not initially be aware that their behavior is a problem. Give your child specific examples of their conduct in response to this. Describe how these behaviors point to the demand for an evaluation.

Fighting Denial

Both adults and kids frequently react in denial. Even when they are aware of the problem, your child could dismiss it as unimportant. Your child may acknowledge the problem but insist that it will resolve itself.

Get support from close friends and family members your child respects and trusts to counter this. Have them reiterate the same point you are trying to make to your youngster. They might begin to understand that there’s a bigger problem when they hear it from multiple sources.

Push Through Resistance

Your youngster has overcome denial, thanks to you. Despite admitting there is a problem, they are adamant that they can solve it on their own. As a way to overcome opposition, an analogy might be effective. Remind your child that in order to treat an ear infection, an antibiotic prescription from a doctor is required. Then describe how getting an assessment is similar to getting a prescription. It’s a critical first step in starting to deal with the current problem.

Talk about how the ear infection would heal much more slowly if there were no medication. In addition, avoiding antibiotics may increase the likelihood that a person would become worse and experience more pain. Ask your child if the best way to deal with a problem is to use all the remedies available, in language that is appropriate for their age. Stress that receiving an evaluation expedites the healing process.

Promoting Acceptance

Even when your child consents to the assessment, they can still be apprehensive. A powerful tool is information. By explaining how an assessment operates, you may reassure your child.

Inform them that an assessment merely entails meeting with a counselor who will probe them about their feelings and thoughts. Mention that a physical examination may also be required. Tell your child that you will be present for some of the assessment and that other sections will take place one-on-one with the counselor.

Contact the Alpha Connection staff if you’re still having trouble getting your kid to try counseling. We might be able to offer suggestions to make things simpler.

How Can Residential Treatment Centers Help Adolescents
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How Can Residential Treatment Centers Help Adolescents

An adolescent must stay on-site at a residential treatment institution for at least 30 days. Nevertheless, we frequently advise 90 days to be the most productive. That is a significant amount of time spent away from home, but if the reward is there, it is worthwhile. There is still debate over whether residential treatment institutions are effective or not.

What Services Do Most Residential Facilities Offer?

You’ll see that the programs have advanced significantly over time. They have adopted a comprehensive approach, covering a wide range of topics. This involves education, behavior management, group and individual counseling, as well as getting to the root of each child’s overall issues while they are residing at the facility.

A highly skilled and certified personnel is in charge of assisting children in these programs in their development. As users advance through the program’s tiers, they can receive rewards at different levels. A procedure is also in place to withdraw rights as necessary. These children are able to transform their life for the better thanks to the program’s general structure.

Before Enrolling Your Child, Learn More About the Program

However, not all residential treatment facilities use this kind of effective strategy. It may be considerably more difficult to show success from the program if any of these crucial elements are missing. Parents must invest significant time in learning what a residential treatment facility has to offer. In this manner, they are able to gauge whether their time and financial commitment to sending their child to the program were worthwhile.

The Importance of Environment

An effective residential treatment center’s operation depends greatly on socialization. This doesn’t necessarily imply that your child is having as much fun as they would in a summer camp, though. They are able to form relationships with their counselors, instructors, and peers through thoughtfully organized classes and activities.

Residential Treatment May be More Effective than Outpatient

According to statistics, residential treatment programs are more successful than outpatient ones. An excellent method to start bringing about positive changes for the child is frequently by removing them from outside influences. Additionally, it might provide parents some time to reflect and process their own feelings. The entire family is impacted on various levels when a child needs treatment for difficulties.

What Makes Residential Treatment Effective?

While a child is receiving therapy at a residential facility, each of these components comes together and develops over time. The entire curriculum provides a framework within which a child can adapt and develop. From the moment they wake up until they turn down the lights, the treatment is a daily part of their routine.

It’s time for a fresh start, regardless of the damaging behavior your child has been a part of in the past. After finishing the program, they may experience a remarkable transformation. Naturally, you must keep in mind that what they will get relies on how they view it. Some kids benefit from the therapy and put out a lot of effort to change.

Others, though, will resist the help for a significant portion of the process. For this reason, there shouldn’t be a predetermined amount of time that they must spend at the facility. You should promise to keep them till they complete the program satisfactorily. However, even the most challenging kids can start to appreciate the advantages of a well-designed residential treatment program.

Transitioning Away from the Treatment Program

A good institution won’t just let you drop off your child and then pick them up after the treatment is believed to be finished. Instead, they will assist that child and the rest of the family in adjusting to being away from home and then returning. When your child visits the facility, the aim is to enable everyone to be on the same page.

Make sure you are prepared to abide by the regulations governing communication via phone, mail, and visiting. Go the distance and let your kid finish the course. Letting them leave before finishing the program won’t be doing them any favors. In order for you to be fully prepared for the adjustment when your child returns, family counseling may be required.

How To Deal with A Bully
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How To Deal with A Bully

Once again, your typically studious daughter wakes up saying she does not feel good and refuses to go to school. Her grades have been dropping, and, for that matter, so has her weight. She has not been eating well, she spends her time hiding in her room, and she bursts into tears over everything. Yes, teen girls can be a little complicated, but sometimes it becomes more than that. Sadly, an increasing number of young people are dealing with bullying.

How You Can Help

The most crucial step is to get her to talk about what is going on. If you ask, “Is everything okay,” you will probably get the standard, “I’m fine.” Instead, dig a little deeper without any judgment, disappointment, or accusation. If she realizes you are a safe place to vent, she may be more open to you. Be specific by asking something like, “Is there something going on at school?”

Once you get her to talk, be sure to listen attentively. Let her vent and encourage her to get it out. Let her know she is not alone. Once she has had a chance to release those feelings, there are pieces of advice that may help.

Remind her that the reason for the bullying is to get a reaction, so make sure that is the last thing she will want to give them. Even if she is terrified, keep it inside and walk away. Do not let the bully see it.

Other Tips for Coping

There are other tips you can pass along to your daughter. She should avoid areas where the bullying takes place and block phone numbers and email addresses. Choose a group of loyal friends she can discuss the bullying with and stick close to. There is always power in numbers. As a last resort, if she must respond, do it with humor.

As her parent, consider discreetly telling a teacher at school about your daughter’s situation so they can keep an eye out. Do some research to put together a list of activities that will help build her confidence and open a new social circle.

Make sure your daughter knows beyond a doubt that she is important and loved, and the bully’s opinion is not reality. Make sure she has confidence and a support system. Research all the resources available in your area, and let us work together to stop bullying.

Opening Communication with Your Teen
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Opening Communication with Your Teen

Many parents believe that at some point around the time their kids become teenagers, their kids become foreign creatures who act bizarre, dress strangely, and are impossible to communicate with. It is important for parents to have open communication. It is also important for teens to be able to express themselves and be heard. Communication is one of the most powerful tools teens can have in their arsenal. Here are some tips for getting them armed for the future.

Steps to Teaching Effective Communication

Listening is the first and more important key to good communication. We need to encourage them to talk and then listen with interest when they do. Let them finish their thought without interrupting. It is vital that they know we hear them. Teach them to listen as well. Do not just demand they listen. Explain active listening to them and why it is important for them to use in the future.

Teenagers need specifics. When talking about issues, discuss behavior, not personalities traits. Try to be logical and not judgmental. Let them know what they need to be doing, but also let them know why. Knowing the reason for behavior helps them to reason through behaviors in the future. Also, please take this opportunity to teach them skills for communicating with adults. Sometimes they feel we are a little foreign too. Help them understand we are on the same side and want the same things.

When things get a little heated, take a break. Teach your teenager it is okay for them to ask for a break if they are getting a little overwhelmed. Be patient and allow them to gather their thoughts, catch their breath, and process the conversation. Teach them to do this as well and let them know that when speaking to adults, sometimes we are a little slow and need time to process information as well.

Communication is a vital tool, and teaching your teen how to use it correctly will serve them well in their future endeavors. Learn how to talk to your teen with patience and respect and teach them these communication skills as well. It is important to talk calmly, using logic instead of emotion. It is important to listen effectively without interrupting and letting them know you hear them. It is vital to communicate, a good skill for you, and a good skill to teach your teen for the future.

4 Crucial Aspects of Celebrating Black History Month
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4 Crucial Aspects of Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month is a perennial celebration of the accomplishments of African Americans. This month is significant because it’s the month when we commemorate the history and legacy of black people in the United States. Here are some of the therapeutic things to expect during this Black History Month

1. The History of Black History Month

In 1926, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) pushed to create a month where people could celebrate the achievements of African Americans in the United States. The idea was to educate people on how black people have contributed to this country and made a difference. Many other organizations followed suit and created their own Black History Month celebrations in various cities across America.

2. The Worthy Celebrated Figures

Black History Month allows celebrating the many notable figures before us. We can learn from them because they were not afraid to stand up for what they believed in, even when it sounded unpopular. They made great strides for all people, and we can learn from their actions. Black History Month is a celebration of people who have made great strides in the history of America. Notable figures like Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., and many more have impacted the history of our country.

3. Celebrations.

Celebrations for Black Month around the country happen in different ways. There are parties and events where people can learn about black history. Other places may have parades or other celebrations to honor the accomplishments of black people throughout our nation’s history.

4. The Growth of the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Black Lives Matter has become one of the most important movements in our nation’s history. They have helped bring an important voice to this country and have inspired many people across the world to stand up for their opinions. Black Lives Matter feels that all lives matter, but they specifically want us to focus on black people’s issues in America. The movement is still growing and will continue to grow and be celebrated in other countries like Canada, Ireland, and the UK.

Black History Month has been crucial to the black community in America. It has helped bring awareness to the accomplishments and struggles of black people and has helped them be proud of who they are. It has also helped black people see the progress made in America.

Mental Health and Wellness - When Intervention Is Needed
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Mental Health and Wellness – When Intervention Is Needed

It’s normal for teens and children to have ups and downs when it comes to emotions, but how do you know when it is time to seek outside help? Sometimes it’s difficult to know when intervention may be needed. However, early intervention is key to helping children and teens cope with feelings and emotions.

Emotional Symptoms Under the Surface

Sometimes it may be difficult for young people to open up and communicate their feelings to others. There may be outward signs of trouble coping, such as academic grades declining. Suppose your child is becoming more socially withdrawn – not keeping in touch with friends as they used to, spending more time isolated in their bedroom, or not wanting to go to extracurricular activities or events they normally participate in. In that case, these may be early signs as well.

Anger and opposition is a common emotion and is typically displayed with raised voices in the heat of an argument. Many times, things are said that can be hard to take back and aren’t easily forgotten or forgiven. This can make adult/child relationships difficult to navigate, and sometimes an impartial third party can help in more challenging situations. Whether this person is a school counselor or an outside therapist, a neutral professional can help people learn coping skills and ways to communicate that can help them better manage their emotions when tensions run high in situations that are difficult to manage.

Physical Symptoms Need to be Addressed

Older children and teens may also have physical symptoms in stressful situations, especially if they have been going on for extended periods of time. Decreased appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain or discomfort, headaches, and fatigue may all be physical symptoms of anxiety or depression. School avoidance may also be occurring due to physical symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to have any physical symptoms checked out by a health care provider.

In more severe cases, youth and teens may even voice suicidal ideations or thoughts and feelings of wanting to hurt themselves. If feelings progress to this, immediate intervention is warranted. For this reason, it is so important that when children or teens begin to feel overwhelmed by their emotions or any outward signs can be identified, steps are taken to intervene early. By putting a plan in place to get them the services they need, healthier outcomes can be successfully achieved.

Discussing Mental Health with Teens
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Discussing Mental Health with Teens

Though mental health awareness has gotten a big push in the media over the course of the last few years, it’s still a topic that many parents find hard to bring up with their growing children. If you have a teen at home, though, you should be setting an example for how to discuss mental health issues. Doing so will not only inform the attitudes that your teen takes into their adult years, but it will also give them a chance to know that you’re there if they are struggling.

Normalize Talking about Mental Health

The first and perhaps most important thing to do is to normalize the concept of struggling with one’s mental health. Though you may not have any particular struggles that you can point to, it’s vital that you let your teen know that many people do struggle with their mental health and that doing so is not a mark of weakness or a sign of bad character. Instead, it’s merely another health issue that needs proper care.

This discussion can and should be a dialog. While you may be giving your teen information, you should be prepared to listen to their questions and let your teen direct at least part of the conversation. If you are unsure of any answers to their inquiries, make sure to consult trusted online resources or to make an appointment with a mental health professional so that you can gather the correct information.

Create a System to Communicate Mental Struggles

It’s also a good idea to create a system for letting your teen talk to you about their own struggles. While they might not feel comfortable revealing everything, creating a system that allows your teen to express their general feelings will allow for more communication and might enable them to better track their mood. With a good system in place, you can notice trends and determine if any kind of intervention is necessary.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your teen about mental health issues. Doing so not only helps to keep them safe now, but will have an impact as they grow up. With the proper discussions now, you can prepare your teen for a healthier life in the future.

Suicide Prevention Month
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Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is something that touches us all. From those who have had suicidal ideation to those who have lost friends or family members, it’s hard not to see ways in which the phenomenon has become a significant part of modern life. That’s why it is so important to take the time to talk about Suicide Prevention Month and the steps that can be taken to protect those who are the most vulnerable, not just now, but year-round.

Take Steps to Understand Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Month is designed to shine a spotlight not just on the ongoing suicide epidemic, but on the resources and methods that can help prevent it from taking lives. From workshops and books to counseling and residential treatment programs, these resources are invaluable for saving lives. But, unfortunately, many of those who are at their lowest and feel like they have nowhere left to turn simply might not be aware of the resources that are available to them.

It’s vital that even those who have not had their lives impacted by a suicide or suicide attempt take the time to understand what can be done to help those who feel like they have nowhere to which they can turn. Knowing the numbers to call or resources to tap can help many get the help they need. Rather than trying to villainize those who take their own lives or to somehow insist that individuals can power through suicidal ideation on their own, realizing that suicide is a societal issue that requires a societal approach really is the way forward that can make the most change for the most significant number of people.

Whether you have struggled with suicidal thoughts or you simply want to ensure that you know what to do if someone in your life is considering committing suicide, the programs spotlighted this month and the outreach performed can give you the knowledge that you need to offer an alternative. Sometimes simply knowing that there is help out there can be the necessary first step in helping an individual in crisis find a way to stay safe during a trying time.

How to Prepare for Counseling
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How to Prepare for Counseling

Counseling can be an incredibly useful experience for those who are in the process of recovering from trauma or addiction. It can also be a useful process for anyone who is looking to sort through personal issues or who simply feels like they need help moving forward in their lives. With that said, it can be difficult to speak to a counselor for the first time, especially if you’re going in without outside supports. That’s why it’s vital to have a plan to prepare for your first counseling session.

Steps Toward Counseling

The first step to take is to think about the reason why you are attending counseling. For some, those reasons will be crystal clear from the first moment. For others, though, it will take a bit of digging to figure out why you are looking for help. It’s entirely appropriate to go to counseling simply because you’re not sure what else to do because you want to get your life on track, but it never hurts to spend a bit of time interrogating your reasoning for speaking with a counselor.

The next step is to prepare yourself for what an actual counseling session is like. While there are many depictions of counseling in media, most of them are quite inaccurate. It might be useful for you to call the counseling office to find out what to expect for your first session. In some cases, you’ll simply complete some minor intake paperwork and spend a bit of time on introductions. In other cases, you might get right to work. Knowing what comes next can calm your nerves and better prepare you for what comes next.

No matter what you do, you should also remember that meeting with a counselor is ultimately your choice. You have the power in this situation, so you are taking a positive step to improve your own life. If you are ready to speak with someone about the problems that you are encountering, you should give yourself credit for taking an action that will ultimately give you more options as to how you will move forward to a better future.

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Post Covid Activity

As the world faced an unexpected halt as a result of the pandemic, clients have been faced with a wall of adversity in day-to-day activities. Clients’ normal schedules and activities were changed due to rules and mandates from the CDC and Public Health Departments to help keep our clients protected and not come in contact with the infectious virus COVID-19.

At Alpha Connection we know that activities are extremely important to one’s well-being and mental health and if not able to do normal everyday activities it can negatively affect the clients’ mental health and create depressive and isolated behavior. As the world is opening up and vaccines are readily available we plan to keep our clients active and engaged in therapeutic outdoor activities and outings with protective plans in place.

Alpha Connection will do everything we can possibly do to keep our clients safe and protected during these outings. Our team emphasizes that this pandemic is NOT over and hundreds of Americans continue to catch this virus daily. We all need to do our part to stand up and continue the fight against COVID-19 by wearing masks and getting vaccinated.

– Cam Wilson