Unveiling Self vs. Society Identity and Role Confusion in 12-20 Year Olds

During adolescence, the journey of self-discovery is a pivotal and transformative time in a person’s existence. Young people between the ages of 12 and 20 face a complex interaction between their personal identity and societal expectations. This delicate equilibrium frequently results in identity and role confusion. In this blog, we will examine the complexities of this issue as well as potential solutions.

The Formation of Identity

During adolescence, adolescents begin to develop a sense of self and search for answers to fundamental concerns about who they are. They investigate numerous facets of their identities, including their values, beliefs, interests, and aspirations. This exploration frequently conflicts with social norms and expectations, resulting in perplexity and inner conflicts.

Societal Expectations

Society imposes certain roles and expectations on individuals, particularly during the adolescent years. These expectations may include academic performance, career objectives, physical appearance, interpersonal relationships, and conformity to social norms. Sometimes, striving to meet these expectations can obscure a young person’s genuine self, creating a divide between who they are and who they believe they should be.

Peer Influence and External Validation

During adolescence, peers play an important role in molding identity and influencing behavior. Desire for acceptance and validation from peers can lead to the adoption of roles or behaviors that are consistent with the group, even if they contradict one’s true self. This external validation can contribute to a sense of confusion among young people who struggle to distinguish between their own aspirations and their peers’ expectations.

Cultural and Family Expectations

Cultural and familial expectations exacerbate the difficulty of identity and role confusion. The cultural values, traditions, and familial aspirations of an individual may conflict with his or her own desires and interests. For young people, balancing these external influences while maintaining a sense of self can be a daunting task.

Coping Strategies

a. Self-Reflection and ExplorationIt Is essential to encourage young people to engage in self-reflection and exploration. They can acquire a deeper understanding of their authentic selves by examining their values, interests, and aspirations.
b. Open Communication Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for open communication with trusted adults, such as parents, instructors, or mentors, can provide invaluable support during this difficult period.
c. Embracing Individuality Encouraging youth to embrace their unique qualities and interests can aid in the development of a solid sense of self. It is essential to emphasize that everyone’s journey is unique and that being authentic is more important than conforming to societal norms.
d. Obtaining Support If identity and role confusion persist and have a significant impact on mental health, obtaining guidance and support from counselors or therapists can be beneficial.


The process of adolescent self-discovery is not without obstacles. Identity and role confusion can arise when adolescents struggle with societal expectations and the formation of their genuine selves. By recognizing and comprehending this intricate interplay, we can provide the necessary support and guidance to assist young people in navigating this period of transition. Encouraging self-reflection, fostering open communication, embracing individuality, and seeking support when necessary are crucial steps toward resolving identity and role confusion and empowering young people to live authentic, fulfilling lives.